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Volunteer Spotlight: Laura Shank

Volunteer Spotlight: Laura Shank

GPI is home to a Master Gardener! Interactive Media Designer Laura Shank, in addition to her many technological talents, is a volunteer with the K-State Extension Office. Master Gardeners volunteer in the community, helping to support community gardens, provide education to school programs, and run hotline for lawn and garden related questions in Sedgwick County. 

One of the main fundraisers put on every year by the Sedgwick County Master Gardeners is the Garden Tour. Each year, six local gardens are chosen and tickets are sold for guided tours over a weekend. 

Laura is on the Board of Directors for the Riverside Community Garden (Non-Profit 501c3) here in Wichita. The garden is located across the street from Botanica and Sims Golf Course. This year, their Riverside Garden was chosen as one of the six to be on the garden tour. Laura is working as the Garden Coordinator, both as Master Gardner and as part of the Riverside Garden. This year’s tour takes place over the weekend of May 31st. 

One of the things Laura is most proud of about their garden is their “Plant a Row” garden space. Last year, Riverside Community Garden produced and donated over 1,000 pounds of produce to Plant a Row for the Hungry and the Kansas wildlife Exhibit. 

They are also starting native pollinator beds, working with a local group called Grassland Groupies and have become a Monarch Waystation! 

Laura also donates her skills to the Riverside Community Garden Website, which you can visit here: 

GPI is proud to have employees who donate their free time to such worthwhile causes. Thank you for all you do for our community, Laura! 

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