Millions of employees spend most of their time in the workplace, so the impact that the workplace has on their wellness is increasing every year! GPV understands this and values their employees' wellness, so they are determined to offer the resources needed to stay healthy and well. Every month GPV Wellness features an employee to find out how they get moving and stay healthy.

What do you do to stay active?
I enjoy playing outdoors with my children, working out at the GPV Gym, walks over my lunch break and hiking when weather permits.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I would like to execute a 72-hour fast twice a year. I am currently working on understanding what diet should look like to get the greatest benefit from the fast.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Beginning at the age of 7 I have committed to each of my children that they would get a trip with Dad, a sort of father son trip to help keep our relationships strong. Each of the boys get their choice of where they want to go. Recently, my oldest son Adam and I went on a backpacking/hiking trip in which we packed in our supplies (he carried 25lbs and I carried 55lbs). We hiked 5 miles and camped on the trail. This inspired my 9 year old, Samuel, to want to hike as well and we went back to the same trail and hiked 6 miles the first day and 3 miles the second day.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
The largest barrier for me is the numerous other activities that command time. With a large family, it seems we are often on the go and there is not always time to fit in exercise. One great way to overcome this barrier in is to choose activities that incorporate walking, such as going to the zoo or a walk at the park. I have also began to utilize my lunch hour to participate in bootcamp and have found joy adding activity to my mid-day routine.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I would like to one day spend 5-7 days up in the border waters camping and portaging our canoes from water to water..

What do you do to stay active?
I participate in evening fitness classes at GPV as well as their fitness challenges.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Consistently running in the Couch to 5K challenge.
What motivates you to stay well?
My son and being able to play with my grandbaby.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Lack of motivation has been my biggest barrier to staying active but I have good friends surrounding me and motivating me to go to the gym after work.
What are your favorite physical activities?
I really enjoy lifting weights, running and gardening at home.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
If you have a goal, go get it. It’s not easy but it is not impossible either.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I am currently trying to lose weight and gain muscle.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I want to look my best at 50!

What do you do to stay active?
I go to yoga every Thursday at the GPV Gym, walk my dog and Dance (Swing, Ballroom, Salsa,Cha-Cha, and Reggae).
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I would like to execute a 72-hour fast twice a year. I am currently working on understanding what diet should look like to get the greatest benefit from the fast.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
When Covid happened, it took away many opportunities to go out dancing or take lessons. I got out of shape and I was lacking motivation until I discovered Yoga. I no longer say “no” when my dance friends get together.
What motivates you to stay well?
Worshiping at New Spring, being able to see my grandkids grow and I want to be able to dance until I reach 100 years old.
What are your favorite physical activities?
I really enjoy dancing, hiking and yoga.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Asthma: If I don’t stay active, my lungs get tight. I use an inhaler before I workout and practice deep breathing exercises daily to keep my lungs flexible. I am also building endurance and lung capacity with GPV’s Couch to 5K. I don’t expect to be a runner but I do power walk and slow jog.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I would like to dance/hike in all national parks. My current bucket list countdown: 26 of 63.

What do you do to stay active?
I do Pilates at least 5 x a week, cardio, and strength training 2 x a week, and pretending I know how to play golf on my Switch game console.
What motivates you to stay well?
I want to feel healthy and fit enough to randomly decide to run a 5k or go on a hike without struggling too much. I am also a huge foodie, so I want to make sure I can enjoy food while keeping my weight in check.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I would like to execute a 72-hour fast twice a year. I am currently working on understanding what diet should look like to get the greatest benefit from the fast.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
I am in the midst of my weight loss journey. I control my portions when eating the things that I like and spending more time meal prepping with whole foods.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Self-motivation can be tough after working all day. I tend to tell myself I am too tired to exercise, but really, a short 15-minute walk is better than sitting on the couch all night. I have been investing more time and money in taking group fitness classes, so it builds my discipline to workout, even after a long day.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Start small and always be patient with yourself. I have started doing modified workouts and finding joy in them, rather than making myself feel worse for not being able to do fifty sit ups at once. Social media tends to influence us with lots of misinformation. Just remind yourself to listen to your body and honor it every single day.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
Hike mountains across the country, see the Northern Lights and skydiving!

What do you do to stay active?
I find that walking, riding bikes, performing chores around the house, and even dancing while I cook is the most enjoyable way for me to get exercise and stay active.
What is your favorite physical activity or activities?
Dancing and badminton are two activities that I enjoy doing the most.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
I've recently made it a priority to get back into being fit, and one of the ways that I do this is by spending thirty minutes at the GPV Gym every day after work.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
I have to say that a lack of time and motivation are my greatest barriers in this area. I like that the GPV Gym is an option for exercise after work.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Exercise can be your best medicine. I believe that anybody can benefit from it, even if you're just starting out.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
Travel to New York, maybe go to another country! Also, I want to stay healthy to watch my son grow up and see him at his best!

What do you do to stay active?
I recently started working out during my lunches at the GPV gym during their group classes. I also enjoy spending time outside walking my dogs, going fishing and kayaking with my boyfriend.
What is your favorite physical activity or activities?
I enjoy hunting in the Black Hills, swimming and fishing.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Since I started working here in March of 2021, I was able to lose about 30lbs by changing my diet. Then it all just stopped and I found myself struggling with my weight again. But since February of 2023 I’ve been working out during my lunches at the GPV gym and I was finally able to see more progress.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Working full-time and attending school definitely makes it harder to stay active, but the best thing for me is when I do have down time I find something productive or active that is also enjoyable to do. Doing those things with friends or family also makes it easier and more enjoyable as well.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Ignore the scale. Honestly the best thing I did for myself when I started working out was I told myself I wasn’t going to weight myself for the first month. I knew when starting to work out you either build muscle or water weight and I didn’t want that to affect my motivation. And I’m glad I didn’t because that is exactly what happened. Even though I couldn’t see the changes, people around me could. People I least expected it from came up to me and said how much improvement I have made. So, try and trust the process. It takes time unfortunately, just remember to be easier on yourself.

What do you do to stay active?
To stay active,I like to do Yoga 3-4 times a week as well as going over to the GPV Gym after work for Spin class twice a week. Yoga is my favorite but I also enjoy tennis and softball!
What motivates you to be well?
I’ve noticed my body, mind and soul feel great whenI take care them!
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Over 2022 I had a goal to lose weight and take better care of my body. By the end of the year I had lost 30 pounds from where I had started!
What have been some barriers to staying active?
A big one is being exhausted after working on my feet all day. I enjoy working out so giving my body that extra push and going to the gym or doing yoga at home makes me feel good. Plus, I sleep so much better at night after a good workout!
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
My main goal right now is to take the time to do one thing I love everyday! (And no, lounging around watching T.V. does not count!) Another goal is to lose 30 more pounds before my wedding in 2024! To Reach this goal I have started intermittent fasting and so far, I am loving it! I have an 8-hour eating window, eating 90% clean during that window. During my 12 hour off window, I only drink water, unsweetened tea and black coffee.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re going to have days that are harder than others, just keep working towards your goal! Have that slice of cake! Work to reduce your stress, that will play a huge role in reaching goals!

What do you do to stay active?
I like walking, hiking, fishing, and camping. The great outdoors! My dog also likes the outdoors.
What motivates you to be well?
My wife is disabled, although she does not require a lot of attention now, this could change, and I want to be able to take care of her and her needs.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
I started to diet for the first time in my life late last year. I decided on using NOOM to help me with this new lifestyle as they are psychiatrists. They are helping me to adjust how I think about food and what I eat.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
I had surgery on my right foot last year, during recovery I gained 12 lbs. After my foot healed, I started walking and hiking again.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
At my age the saying is “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” I found this to be true after my surgery as recovery took a lot longer this time, which made me even more determined to not only get back to where I started but also to exceed that expectation. I am currently walking at 3 mph if my dog does not slow me down. I want to get to 4 mph, or better!
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Life happens, we never know how our health will determine what we can do for the rest of our lives. Do what makes you happy!Is there anything on your bucket list?Travel, stay active, and enjoy life no matter what it brings!

What do you do to stay active?
I enjoy playing outdoors with my children, working out at the GPV Gym, walks over my lunch break and hiking when weather permits.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I would like to execute a 72-hour fast twice a year. I am currently working on understanding what diet should look like to get the greatest benefit from the fast.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Beginning at the age of 7 I have committed to each of my children that they would get a trip with Dad, a sort of father son trip to help keep our relationships strong. Each of the boys get their choice of where they want to go. Recently, my oldest son Adam and I went on a backpacking/hiking trip in which we packed in our supplies (he carried 25lbs and I carried 55lbs). We hiked 5 miles and camped on the trail. This inspired my 9 year old, Samuel, to want to hike as well and we went back to the same trail and hiked 6 miles the first day and 3 miles the second day.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
The largest barrier for me is the numerous other activities that command time. With a large family, it seems we are often on the go and there is not always time to fit in exercise. One great way to overcome this barrier in is to choose activities that incorporate walking, such as going to the zoo or a walk at the park. I have also began to utilize my lunch hour to participate in bootcamp and have found joy adding activity to my mid-day routine.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I would like to one day spend 5-7 days up in the border waters camping and portaging our canoes from water to water..

What do you do to stay active?
I participate in evening fitness classes at GPV as well as their fitness challenges.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Consistently running in the Couch to 5K challenge.
What motivates you to stay well?
My son and being able to play with my grandbaby.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Lack of motivation has been my biggest barrier to staying active but I have good friends surrounding me and motivating me to go to the gym after work.
What are your favorite physical activities?
I really enjoy lifting weights, running and gardening at home.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
If you have a goal, go get it. It’s not easy but it is not impossible either.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I am currently trying to lose weight and gain muscle.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I want to look my best at 50!

What do you do to stay active?
I go to yoga every Thursday at the GPV Gym, walk my dog and Dance (Swing, Ballroom, Salsa,Cha-Cha, and Reggae).
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I would like to execute a 72-hour fast twice a year. I am currently working on understanding what diet should look like to get the greatest benefit from the fast.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
When Covid happened, it took away many opportunities to go out dancing or take lessons. I got out of shape and I was lacking motivation until I discovered Yoga. I no longer say “no” when my dance friends get together.
What motivates you to stay well?
Worshiping at New Spring, being able to see my grandkids grow and I want to be able to dance until I reach 100 years old.
What are your favorite physical activities?
I really enjoy dancing, hiking and yoga.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Asthma: If I don’t stay active, my lungs get tight. I use an inhaler before I workout and practice deep breathing exercises daily to keep my lungs flexible. I am also building endurance and lung capacity with GPV’s Couch to 5K. I don’t expect to be a runner but I do power walk and slow jog.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I would like to dance/hike in all national parks. My current bucket list countdown: 26 of 63.

What do you do to stay active?
I do Pilates at least 5 x a week, cardio, and strength training 2 x a week, and pretending I know how to play golf on my Switch game console.
What motivates you to stay well?
I want to feel healthy and fit enough to randomly decide to run a 5k or go on a hike without struggling too much. I am also a huge foodie, so I want to make sure I can enjoy food while keeping my weight in check.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
I would like to execute a 72-hour fast twice a year. I am currently working on understanding what diet should look like to get the greatest benefit from the fast.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
I am in the midst of my weight loss journey. I control my portions when eating the things that I like and spending more time meal prepping with whole foods.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Self-motivation can be tough after working all day. I tend to tell myself I am too tired to exercise, but really, a short 15-minute walk is better than sitting on the couch all night. I have been investing more time and money in taking group fitness classes, so it builds my discipline to workout, even after a long day.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Start small and always be patient with yourself. I have started doing modified workouts and finding joy in them, rather than making myself feel worse for not being able to do fifty sit ups at once. Social media tends to influence us with lots of misinformation. Just remind yourself to listen to your body and honor it every single day.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
Hike mountains across the country, see the Northern Lights and skydiving!

What do you do to stay active?
I find that walking, riding bikes, performing chores around the house, and even dancing while I cook is the most enjoyable way for me to get exercise and stay active.
What is your favorite physical activity or activities?
Dancing and badminton are two activities that I enjoy doing the most.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
I've recently made it a priority to get back into being fit, and one of the ways that I do this is by spending thirty minutes at the GPV Gym every day after work.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
I have to say that a lack of time and motivation are my greatest barriers in this area. I like that the GPV Gym is an option for exercise after work.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Exercise can be your best medicine. I believe that anybody can benefit from it, even if you're just starting out.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
Travel to New York, maybe go to another country! Also, I want to stay healthy to watch my son grow up and see him at his best!

What do you do to stay active?
I recently started working out during my lunches at the GPV gym during their group classes. I also enjoy spending time outside walking my dogs, going fishing and kayaking with my boyfriend.
What is your favorite physical activity or activities?
I enjoy hunting in the Black Hills, swimming and fishing.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Since I started working here in March of 2021, I was able to lose about 30lbs by changing my diet. Then it all just stopped and I found myself struggling with my weight again. But since February of 2023 I’ve been working out during my lunches at the GPV gym and I was finally able to see more progress.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Working full-time and attending school definitely makes it harder to stay active, but the best thing for me is when I do have down time I find something productive or active that is also enjoyable to do. Doing those things with friends or family also makes it easier and more enjoyable as well.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Ignore the scale. Honestly the best thing I did for myself when I started working out was I told myself I wasn’t going to weight myself for the first month. I knew when starting to work out you either build muscle or water weight and I didn’t want that to affect my motivation. And I’m glad I didn’t because that is exactly what happened. Even though I couldn’t see the changes, people around me could. People I least expected it from came up to me and said how much improvement I have made. So, try and trust the process. It takes time unfortunately, just remember to be easier on yourself.

What do you do to stay active?
To stay active,I like to do Yoga 3-4 times a week as well as going over to the GPV Gym after work for Spin class twice a week. Yoga is my favorite but I also enjoy tennis and softball!
What motivates you to be well?
I’ve noticed my body, mind and soul feel great whenI take care them!
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
Over 2022 I had a goal to lose weight and take better care of my body. By the end of the year I had lost 30 pounds from where I had started!
What have been some barriers to staying active?
A big one is being exhausted after working on my feet all day. I enjoy working out so giving my body that extra push and going to the gym or doing yoga at home makes me feel good. Plus, I sleep so much better at night after a good workout!
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
My main goal right now is to take the time to do one thing I love everyday! (And no, lounging around watching T.V. does not count!) Another goal is to lose 30 more pounds before my wedding in 2024! To Reach this goal I have started intermittent fasting and so far, I am loving it! I have an 8-hour eating window, eating 90% clean during that window. During my 12 hour off window, I only drink water, unsweetened tea and black coffee.
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re going to have days that are harder than others, just keep working towards your goal! Have that slice of cake! Work to reduce your stress, that will play a huge role in reaching goals!

What do you do to stay active?
I like walking, hiking, fishing, and camping. The great outdoors! My dog also likes the outdoors.
What motivates you to be well?
My wife is disabled, although she does not require a lot of attention now, this could change, and I want to be able to take care of her and her needs.
Tell us about a recent wellness success you had?
I started to diet for the first time in my life late last year. I decided on using NOOM to help me with this new lifestyle as they are psychiatrists. They are helping me to adjust how I think about food and what I eat.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
I had surgery on my right foot last year, during recovery I gained 12 lbs. After my foot healed, I started walking and hiking again.
Do you have any health-related goals you are currently working on?
At my age the saying is “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” I found this to be true after my surgery as recovery took a lot longer this time, which made me even more determined to not only get back to where I started but also to exceed that expectation. I am currently walking at 3 mph if my dog does not slow me down. I want to get to 4 mph, or better!
What advice do you have for someone trying to improve their overall wellness?
Life happens, we never know how our health will determine what we can do for the rest of our lives. Do what makes you happy!Is there anything on your bucket list?Travel, stay active, and enjoy life no matter what it brings!

What do you do to stay active?
When the weather is nice, I like to ride my bike. When the weather is bad, I ride my stationary bike inside. I also like to Hula Hoop!
What motivates you to be well?
My family motivates me. I want to stay healthy so that I will be able to be there for them!
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Time is my barrier. I have to make sure to schedule my daily exercise!
Do you have any health related goals you are currently working on?
I am working on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Do you have any tips for anyone who would like to enhance their wellness?
A healthy lifestyle is a long-term goal. Don't sweat the small stuff. Stay focused on your long-term goal!
What is your favorite physical activity?
My favorite activity is bike riding.
How did your fitness journey begin?
As a youth I experienced weight issues and I was teased about it. This motivated me to become more active, which helped me become healthier and lose weight.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What do you do to stay active?
I follow a weekly exercise routine to stay on track and meet my fitness goals.
What motivates you to be well?
Being healthier overall, and feeling better!
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Some barriers for me are lack of motivation and energy. To overcome these barriers, I do my best to plan my meals and stay consistent with my workouts. I use the GPV gym to get some of my workouts in, which helps because I can attend right when I get off of work. After exercising I always feel more motivated!
Do you have any health related goals you are currently working on?
My main goal is to improve my health by eating healthier meals and exercising.
Do you have any tips for anyone who would like to enhance their wellness?
Setting up personal goals that will help you stay active and motivated. That has helped me the most.
What is your favorite physical activity?
I really like to play soccer, I try to play once or twice a week.
How did your fitness journey begin?
I wanted to be healthier, so I started making changes to my eating habits, exercising more, and staying active.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I want to travel to Cancun!

What do you do to stay active?
Participate in CrossFit workouts
What motivates you to be well?
As I get older I want to do my best to stay young and mobile, to keep up with my son.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Family schedule and cost of CrossFit gym memberships. I have overcome these barriers by joining Planet Fitness and using the GPV gym right after work (allows me for more family time in the evening).
Do you have any health related goals you are currently working on?
My main goal is to increase my body strength, like pull-ups, handstand push-ups, and lifting heavier weights.
Do you have any tips for anyone who would like to enhance their wellness?
Stay mobile with fun activities. Having specific goals in mind helps a lot!
What is your favorite physical activity?
My favorite physical activities are running around with my son, and CrossFit.
How did your fitness journey begin?
I came across a CrossFit gym last year, they had a wonderful coach there that made exercising fun and motivating again!Is there anything on your bucket list?I want to be able to do handstand push-ups and pull-ups without assistance.

What do you do to stay active?
When the weather is nice, I like to ride my bike. When the weather is bad, I ride my stationary bike inside. I also like to Hula Hoop!
What motivates you to be well?
My family motivates me. I want to stay healthy so that I will be able to be there for them!
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Time is my barrier. I have to make sure to schedule my daily exercise!
Do you have any health related goals you are currently working on?
I am working on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Do you have any tips for anyone who would like to enhance their wellness?
A healthy lifestyle is a long-term goal. Don't sweat the small stuff. Stay focused on your long-term goal!
What is your favorite physical activity?
My favorite activity is bike riding.
How did your fitness journey begin?
As a youth I experienced weight issues and I was teased about it. This motivated me to become more active, which helped me become healthier and lose weight.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What do you do to stay active?
I follow a weekly exercise routine to stay on track and meet my fitness goals.
What motivates you to be well?
Being healthier overall, and feeling better!
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Some barriers for me are lack of motivation and energy. To overcome these barriers, I do my best to plan my meals and stay consistent with my workouts. I use the GPV gym to get some of my workouts in, which helps because I can attend right when I get off of work. After exercising I always feel more motivated!
Do you have any health related goals you are currently working on?
My main goal is to improve my health by eating healthier meals and exercising.
Do you have any tips for anyone who would like to enhance their wellness?
Setting up personal goals that will help you stay active and motivated. That has helped me the most.
What is your favorite physical activity?
I really like to play soccer, I try to play once or twice a week.
How did your fitness journey begin?
I wanted to be healthier, so I started making changes to my eating habits, exercising more, and staying active.
Is there anything on your bucket list?
I want to travel to Cancun!

What do you do to stay active?
Participate in CrossFit workouts
What motivates you to be well?
As I get older I want to do my best to stay young and mobile, to keep up with my son.
What have been some barriers to staying active?
Family schedule and cost of CrossFit gym memberships. I have overcome these barriers by joining Planet Fitness and using the GPV gym right after work (allows me for more family time in the evening).
Do you have any health related goals you are currently working on?
My main goal is to increase my body strength, like pull-ups, handstand push-ups, and lifting heavier weights.
Do you have any tips for anyone who would like to enhance their wellness?
Stay mobile with fun activities. Having specific goals in mind helps a lot!
What is your favorite physical activity?
My favorite physical activities are running around with my son, and CrossFit.
How did your fitness journey begin?
I came across a CrossFit gym last year, they had a wonderful coach there that made exercising fun and motivating again!Is there anything on your bucket list?I want to be able to do handstand push-ups and pull-ups without assistance.